February 3-6, 2022
/wp:paragraphwp:paragraph /wp:paragraphwp:paragraphThe Taos Winter Wine Festival is an annual four-day weekend of events featuring the culinary artistry found in Taos, New Mexico’s many excellent restaurants coupled with the sophistication and wines of national wineries.
/wp:paragraphwp:paragraphBy bringing over 40 national wineries to Taos to partner with 24 of the areas best restaurants, a four-day schedule of snow, food and wine events featuring the Grand and Reserve Tastings, chefs luncheons, winery seminars and wine dinners. The weekend culminates with the Grand Tasting at the Taos Valley Ski Resort where restaurants and wineries serve samples of their best food and wine.
/wp:paragraphwp:paragraphFor a full schedule visit taoswinterwinefest.com
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